
Code of ethics Policies

FCC VVB basic ethical principles

  • Our guiding principles state that members of our organization can reach their potential and improve as people by acting in ways that are consistent with their values and attributes. The ethical guidelines of FCC VVB enable us to choose between various scenarios in our day-to-day professional activities while also defining priorities that help us live our lives in a way that fulfils us.
  • Our manner of thinking, living, and sharing our experiences with others around us are all shaped by these ethical ideals.
  • It is for that reason that, at FCC VVB, we live our values in harmony with our moral and ethical principles.
  • Our values serve as a reflection of our culture, a manual for upholding moral and legal requirements, and an instrument for just decision-making.
  • It is essential to FCC VVB that all parties involved uphold and behave in accordance with our core ethical values.
  • FCC VVB is committed to complying with all human rights acknowledged in local and international legislation.
  • FCC VVB wants to be clear that none of the following parties have any direct or indirect financial interests, nor are they the owners, operators, or controllers of the organization to which conformity assessments, verifications, consultancy assessments, or any other services, are provided on behalf of CC VVB, its office staff, its subsidiaries, any individual involved in conformity assessment activities, verifications, consultancy assessments, or carrying out any other activity on behalf of FCC VVB, nor their direct relatives (including spouses and minor children under the age of 18).
  • In addition, neither FCC VVB nor its office staff, subsidiaries, or any other individuals involved in conformity assessment activities, consultancy audits, verifications, or any other activities carried out on behalf of FCC VVB have any direct or indirect financial interests. Neither do the owner, presidents, or managers of the organizations to which FCC VVB provides conformity assessment or any other services on behalf of FCC VVB.
  • All business, financial, and other relationships at FCC VVB are open and truthful, and this includes reports that are filed pertaining to both financial and non-financial data, all while adhering to commitments and relevant legal standards and guidelines. All of these reports have to be filed and documented in compliance with the applicable jurisdiction’s legal requirements.
  • All business, financial, and other relationships at FCC VVB are open and truthful, and this includes reports that are filed pertaining to both financial and non-financial data, all while adhering to duties and relevant laws, rules, and guidelines. All of these reports have to be filed and documented in compliance with the applicable legal requirements.
  • FCC VVB is dedicated to its unrelenting pursuit of ever-greater improvements, including its partners’ awareness and recognition of the need of behaving discretely and professionally. In addition to providing and encouraging continuous learning, we also incorporate it and apply it along with regular updates to the improvement of knowledge, abilities, and attitudes among individuals who work for FCC VVB.

The undersigned, a member of the FCC VVB team work, hereby undertakes to:

Being objective, trustworthy, impartial and independent
  • In order to achieve objectivity and integrity in the processes, adhere to standard operating procedures and standards when rendering services on behalf of FCC VVB. Additionally, make autonomous, unbiased decisions free from any outside pressures that could compromise their objectivity.
  • In all actions undertaken in the name of and on behalf of FCC VVB adhere to independent standards at all times, even in the face of divergent viewpoints, requirements, or contradictions.
  • Always act impartially; refrain from coercion, threats, intimidation, or any other tactics that could jeopardize the impartiality, independence, or transparency of the FCC VVB -mandated operations.
  • Maintain and uphold impartiality and independent ethical judgment by abstaining from all business and activities that could implicate a conflict of interest or be harmful to FCC VVB or its members, either directly or indirectly, and by always acting in FCC VVB best interests.
Being Transparent, Ethical, Honest and Reliable
  • Maintain only those procedures that uphold moral and legal standards and foster trust in our actions, our partners, and our business associates.
  • Report any illegal situations that violate this Code, the Statements, Policies, and other documents established by FCC VVB, or that are incompatible with the ethical ideals of FCC VVB, including full details of the incident.
  • Report any scenario that could compromise impartiality or professional objectivity or suggest a conflict of interest, as well as any unethical or discriminatory activity that jeopardizes the integrity of any interested parties within the FCCVVB team work.
  • Never acknowledge corruption or bribery in any form, and conduct ourselves in all of our dealings with professionalism, justice, and morality while putting effective anti-bribery measures in place.
  • Offer services that demonstrate honesty, integrity, and accountability, as these qualities should be mirrored in our behavior and in our interactions with the environment.
Being Respectful, Equitable and Avoid Discrimination
  • In all FCC VVB related activities, treat every person equally and without regard to their gender, race, ethnicity, social class, disability, age, civil status, political beliefs, or religion, while also acknowledging and respecting the diversity of their personal elections, cultures, and beliefs.
  • Encourage equitable treatment in all labor, business, and interpersonal relationships within the FCC team work, as well as equal opportunity.
  • While honoring the time and space for each member of FCC VVB to pursue their own personal growth and well-being, strike a balance between work and personal obligations.
  • Establish an inclusive and transparent atmosphere where people may freely voice their thoughts, concerns, expectations, and affairs, ask questions, and express their opinions without fear of reprisal.
  • Provide, offer, uphold, and protect a suitable working environment for everyone, aiming to achieve and demonstrating the highest level of well-being within a safe, sustainable, and healthful workplace, understanding that one of the primary goals of FCC and those affiliated with the FCC VVB team work is to enhance people’s quality of life.
Observe Laws and Legislations
  • In all FCC VVB business dealings, uphold and protect the fundamental human rights of every person we come into contact with, including clients, associates, and business partners.
  • Respect and abide by all applicable laws and rules aimed at advancing and defending human rights in every nation where FCC VVB conducts business.
  • Respect and abide by the laws and rules of every nation in which FCC VVB conducts business, respect agreements made, and take all necessary precautions to protect the interests of the groups associated with FCC VVB.
  • Protect the legal rights of people you have had personal, professional, and labor relationships with, as well as those of any other FCC VVB Network participants.
Show Commitment to Information Security and Data Protection
  • Respect the privacy and confidentiality of FCC VVB clients, partners, and everyone else with whom we come into contact or have any kind of relationship or connection within an environment of openness and lawfulness. This includes any information pertaining to the aforementioned people and their organizations.
  • Even after the partnership ends, maintain the confidentiality of any non-public information generated or acquired in connection with FCC VVB -related operations. You should also refrain from disclosing or publishing any information that you receive from or about FCC VVB clients.
  • Whenever FCC VVB feels it is pertinent, deserving, or appropriate, offer and communicate acknowledgement for the performance, goals, or outcomes attained, or for any other kind of circumstance that calls for formal, public recognition from FCC VVB in relation to partners, clients, and other individuals involved with or related to FCC VVB.

By signing this document, the signatory FCC member agrees to abstain from:

Exclusionary Behaviors
  • Distributing personal business cards to FCC VVB clients in order to provide auditing, consulting, support, training, and/or facilitation services in exchange for personal gains.
  • revealing details about a different client’s team or organization that are regarded as internal, so breaching data privacy and sensitive information.
  • Giving or receiving gifts that could potentially undermine my ability to make impartial decisions on my own or in my position to act independently in the work I do on behalf of FCC.
  • Incurring in abuse of power, in any manner and in any of the roles and/or responsibilities in which.
  • Offer or provide, directly or indirectly, an unauthorized benefit to a third party that will be advantageous to you personally, to a third party, or to the organization.
  • Request or receive, directly or indirectly, an unjustified benefit from a third party that will benefit you personally, that of a third party, or FCC.
  • Post content on FCC social media platforms that is defamatory, violent, abusive, disrespectful, or in violation of the law, or that could damage the organization’s reputation.
  • Using FCC intellectual property for my personal gain without an express authorization by the directors of FCC.
  • Discrediting colleagues while providing services for FCC.
  • It is imperative that behaviors that are detrimental to the free definition of service proposals by FCC not be encouraged or promoted, and that they not adopt actions aimed at manipulating the market.
  • Access, analyses, download, store, or publicly display information that is regarded inappropriate, unlawful, or insufficient including pornographic or propaganda material on a work computer. 
  • Engage in social media relevant to FCC, its clients, partners, and/or suppliers, as well as topics or enterprises, without mentioning your affiliation with FCC or disclosing that you are expressing an opinion.
  • Make monetary or other donations to political initiatives in an effort to benefit yourself personally
  • Pay bribes to third parties, public or private, in order to acquire an unlawful personal advantage.
  • Looking for clients from FCC for side projects that might provide a conflict of interest.
  • Revealing to outside parties confidential information about FCC before the information’s owner makes it public. 
  • Giving or getting large amounts of money as gifts in any situation.
  • Forge or modify any kind of record or document in order to gain an advantage for oneself or a third party.
  • Take money out of accounts for your own or another person’s benefit.
  • Handle treasury surpluses improperly, either for your own gain or the gain of another party.
  • Take money intended for charitable giving or sponsorships and use it for your own gain or to commit a corrupt conduct
  • Take or utilize the company’s assets such as products, machinery, furnishings, inventory, and investments for your own gain or the gain of others.
  • Defaming FCC or having public expressions detrimental to FCC.
  • Alter a contract procedure that is a part of a bid request, whether it is private or public, illegally.
  • Installing software or downloading, storing, using, or disclosing to the public any data or material that violates the terms of the agreement or copyright laws.
  • Improper use or management of the entity’s information assets for one’s own gain or the gain of another. 
  • Serving as a consultant for the business where I previously worked for FCC for two or three years in the capacity of an assessor. 
  • Make non-authorized duplicated payments or incur in expenses not supported by formal documents.
  • Serving as an assessor for FCC and offering guidance or support for the deployment of management systems.
  • Give priority to personal interests or the interests of third parties over FCC interests when carrying out the tasks you have been assigned.
  • FCC-owned documents or contents may be altered, copied, and/or modified maliciously or for personal gain, meaning that FCC may suffer harm or loss.
  • Engaging in, endorsing, or encouraging any sort of intimidation, harassing, or dehumanizing remarks about an employee’s appearance; enquiring about or making remarks about the other person’s personal life; performing unwanted sexual actions; or using coercion.
  • Spend the entity’s funds on products or services, either for your own advantage or the benefit of others.
  • Making use of the FCC moniker without the proper authorization or entitlement.
  • Carrying out private activities, during the services provided on behalf of FCC, which might interfere with the work time to be used for FCC, except upon an express authorization by the top Management of FCC.
  • Using FCC resources such as technology, processes, or equipment for personal gain without getting clear permission from top management.
  • Make improper use of cash payments.
  • Acquire an advantage, assistance, or contribution via deceitful means or by concealing some or all of the truth.
  • Obtain funds belonging to the organization by lying or dishonesty, using a fake expenditure report.
  • Utilize the entity’s resources or money improperly or without permission.