Accredation and Services
Details regarding the Verification /Validation program, such as evaluation protocols and guidelines for approving, retaining, suspending, withdrawing, or refusing verification:
In case facts or information that could materially affect the V/V statement are discovered after the issue date, the VVB should:
a) Communicate the matter as soon as practicable to the client and, if required, the programme owner;
b) Take appropriate action, including the following:
- Discuss the matter with the client;
- Consider if the V/V statement requires revision or withdrawal.
In case V/V statement requires revision, the VVB implement processes to issue a new statement including specification of the reasons for the revision. These can include repeating relevant steps of the V/V process.
The V/V bodies also communicate to other interested parties the fact that reliance of the original statement can now be compromised given the new facts or information.
Details on certified products, carbon footprint verification/validation reports, and any other requirements that clients might need to be aware of:
Any inquiry about carbon footprint verification/validation reports or other services just contact us
Identification of the product; the standards and other normative documents to which conformity has been certified; Identification of the client;
- FCC is Validation and verification body to ISO/IEC 17029. This verification and Validation Report demonstrates to the marketplace, stakeholders and regulators that the agencies/bodies have met the requirements for Carbon emissions and carbon foot print Report and in a competent, consistent and impartial manner
- The training services
An explanation of the rights and responsibilities of applicants and clients,
including conditions, limitations, and restrictions on the use of the Carbon Footprint mark and the name of the verification/validation body, as well as how to refer to the granted verification/validation statement;
* General format and display of the FCC VVB environmental validated/verified symbol or reference to FCC VVB V/V
- FCC VVB logo is to be used by FCC VVB only. Validated/Verified clients may use FCC VVB environmental validated/verified symbol and/or may make a reference to their FCC VVB V/V, but may not use FCC VVB logo in such reference.
- Only the proper format, size, color, and language specified by FCC VVB in an electronic form may be shown for the FCC VVB sign.
- Where a client wishes to refer to its FCC VVB instead of using the symbol it shall without variation use the relevant phrase “FCC VVB validated/verified client No.000000“
- All quotations that contain the FCC VVB environmental validated/verified symbol or refer to FCC VVB V/V shall clearly indicate those activities that are not FCC VVB validated/verified.
- The activities that are not FCC VVB validated/verified must be explicitly stated in any quotation that uses the FCC VVB validated/verified sign or makes reference to it.
- A client environmental validated/verified by FCC VVB shall, in addition to all Other requirements detailed in this document, display, on any documentation it chooses, FCC VVB V/V number with the GOEIC EVVU validated/verified symbol.
- The client validated/verified by FCC VVB may not imply in their
use of FCC VVB validated/verified symbol or in any reference to FCC VVB V/V that FCC VVB approves their product, service, management system, personal or process. - A client validated/verified by FCC VVB that holds V/V in more than one field shall ensure that it does not imply V/V for any field which it does not have V/V.
- Failure to comply with these requirements may lead to denial, suspension or Withdrawal of V/V and/or legal action.Use of FCC VVB validated/verified symbol or reference to FCC VVB
* Being Transparent, Ethical, Honest and Reliable
- Maintain only those procedures that uphold moral and legal standards and foster trust in our actions, our partners, and our business associates.
- Report any illegal situations that violate this Code, the Statements, Policies, and other documents established by FCC VVB, or that are incompatible with the ethical ideals of FCC VVB, including full details of the incident.
- Report any scenario that could compromise impartiality or professional objectivity or suggest a conflict of interest, as well as any unethical or discriminatory activity that jeopardizes the integrity of any interested parties within the FCCVVB team work.
- Never acknowledge corruption or bribery in any form, and conduct ourselves in all of our dealings with professionalism, justice, and morality while putting effective anti-bribery measures in place.
- Offer services that demonstrate honesty, integrity, and accountability, as these qualities should be mirrored in our behavior and in our interactions with the environment.
* Validation/Verification in Publicity Material
- Environmental validated /verified client are entitled to incorporate FCC VVB
validated/verified symbol in publicity material that refers to validated/verified services provided that the conditions in this document are met. Validated/verified client are also entitled to make general reference to FCC VVB V/V provided that they ensure that FCC VVB V/V is not implied for non-validated/verified activities. Note: Where reference is made to having FCC VVB V/V the client must ensure that it does not imply V/V for areas not validated/verified. - Approval for the use of FCC VVB validated/verified symbol or any reference to FCC VVB V/V in publicity material relating to a product must be obtained from FCC VVB.
- FCC VVB validated/verified symbol shall not be used in literature relating to a product unless it is directly located adjacent to the reference to the validated/verified function.
* Other restrictions on the use of FCC VVB validated/verified symbol or reference to FCC VVB V/V
- FCC VVB validated/verified symbol or any reference to FCC VVB V/V shall not be displayed on a test item, or product (or attachment there to) or used to imply product certification.
- Subject to conditions stated in this document, the use of FCC VVB validated/verified symbol or reference to FCC VVB V/V on items other than reports or certificates is not discouraged, but shall be subject to agreement by FCC VVB.
- immediately stop to use symbol and any other materials displaying FCC VVB validated/verified symbol or containing references to FCC VVB V/V and shall informs its affected clients of the suspension, reduction or withdrawal of its V/V and the associated consequences without undue delay.
- FCC VVB shall take appropriate action to deal with incorrect use of any of its V/V symbols or reference to V/V. This action may include:
- Request for corrective actions;
- Withdrawal of certificates/reports;
- Publication of transgression, and if necessary
- Suspension/withdrawal of V/V and/or legal action.
- FCC VVB permits environmental validated/verified clients to use FCC VVB V/V symbol in communications media where media could be TV, Radio, Newspapers, Trade journals, Flyers, advertisements etc with only FCC VVB written permissionThe client validated/verified by FCC VVB shall upon suspension, reduction or withdrawal of FCC VVB V/V
FCC VVB validated/verified symbol or any reference to FCC VVB V/V shall not be used in such a way as to imply that FCC VVB accepts responsibility for the accuracy of a calibration or test result, or any opinions or interpretations derived thereon, or approves a calibrated instrument, test item or product.
Details regarding the accreditation Body’s requirements for the approved scope of VVB activities:
- Sectors and scope of VVB for verification:
- General Manufacturing (physical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into new products)
- Oil and Gas Exploration, Extraction, Production and Refining, and pipeline distribution, including Petrochemicals
- Sectors and scope of VVB for Validation:
- Manufacturing Industries
- Chemical Industry
Details regarding the complaint and appeals processes:
* Handling of Appeals
The VVB have a documented process to receive, evaluate and make decisions on appeals (appeal committee).
The process for handling appeals includes at least the following:
- A description of the process for receiving, investigating, substantiating the appeal, and deciding what actions are to be taken in response.
- Tracking and recording the appeal, including the actions to resolve it.
- Ensure appropriate action is taken.
The VVB receiving the appeal and responsible for gathering all necessary information to determine whether the appeal is substantiated.
The VVB acknowledge receipt of the appeal, and provide the appellant with the outcome and, if applicable, progress reports.
Already the description of the process for handling appeals available to any interested party.
The VVB responsible for all decisions during the process for handling appeals.
The Investigation and decision on appeals not result in any discriminatory actions.
The decision on the appeal made by, or reviewed and approved by, individuals not involved in the decision which is the subject of the appeal in question.
* Handling of Complaints
If a special verification becomes necessary because of a complaint by anyone involved in the verification/Validation, the procedure as described previous has to be followed. The following special features have to be taken into consideration:
- The Head of CB decides if there is a conflict of interest or incorrect behavior of the verification team in connection with the complaint. In this, He takes the independence and the competence of the verifier into consideration.
- If it emerges during the examination of the complaint that no conflict of interest or incorrect behavior has occurred, the steps described before are followed.
- If the examination of the complaint results in the conclusion that there is a conflict of interest or incorrect behavior on the part of a verifier, a new team has to be put together for the further processing. In contrast to the standard procedure, this team cannot be rejected by the client or the responsible party. Therefore particular care must be taken when putting together the team. If a possible conflict of interest affects the entire FCC-VVB organization, it may be necessary to withdraw the certificate/report. In such a case, the legal department must be involved without fail.
- If there has clearly been incorrect behavior on the part of verifier, the person named in Point 1 decides regarding possible measures in order to ensure that this incorrect behavior can be avoided in future. If this incorrect behavior is deliberate or due to gross negligence, this person informs the direct superior of the verifier in question. This direct superior decides if disciplinary measures should be applied.
Changes or prospective changes to laws, administrative regulations, or official obligations, or evaluation and verification operations or procedures:
If Change or prospective changes to laws, administrative regulations, or official obligations, the FCC will do:
- Change all procedures, policies and reports related to this change.
- Inform the client and any related stakeholders.
- Change the website will be pointed out the change.
Service Fees
Large Company
150,000 EGP
Medium Company
75,000 EGP
Small Company
50,000 EGP
Service Entity
75000 EGP
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